Calare Public School

Considerate | Proud | Safe

Telephone02 6362 3699

Our staff

Our professional, university-educated teachers encourage students to develop a love of learning and a desire to succeed. They maintain the highest integrity and concern for your child’s wellbeing.

Our principal is responsible for the educational leadership and management of our school. If you would like to speak to the principal, please contact the office to make an appointment.

We are in the process of updating our website where you will be able to find extensive information about the school. If you can't find what you are looking for, please contact our school administrative staff. They can answer inquiries or direct you to the appropriate staff member for help.

Executive Staff


Stephen Bingon 

Deputy Principal

Maxine Thompson Relieving

Assistant Principals

Early Stage 1

Carolyn Key

Stage 1

Julie Cox

Stage 2

Ashlee Regan

Louise Todorovski

Stage 3

Alison Broughton

All Stages

Jena Faul

Support Unit

Melinda Law

Rachel Lane

Curriculum & Instruction

Carolyn Key > K-2 

Ashlee Regan & Louise Todorovski > 3-6

Class Teachers

Early Stage 1/Stage 1

Kinder Blue - Yolanda Lefevre

Kinder Green -  Paige Neilson

Kinder Red - Hayley Keed

Kinder Yellow - Jess Norris

K/1 Orange - Samantha Pluymers

1 Blue - Sarah Schmich

1 Green - Tailor Byrne

1 Red - Julie Cox

2 Blue - Mathew Sommerlad

2 Green - Morgan Richards

2 Yellow - Tina Rees 


K-6 Gold - Alison Clarke

K-6 Lime - Melinda Law & Rachel Lane

K-6 Purple - Rachel Baird

Stage 2

3 Blue - Amanda Farquhar

3 Green - Charlie Parker

3/4 Pink - Ashlee Regan & Louise Todorovski

4 Blue - Belinda Allen

4 Green - Kathryn Delaney

4/5 Orange - Karena Stowers

Stage 3

5 Blue - Bec White

5/6 Pink - Michelle Brown & Bec Thorne

5/6 White - Tom Johnson 

6 Blue - Alison Broughton

6 Green - Christie Munday & Hollie Townsend


Specialty Staff

Learning and Support Team

Elise Neilson > Coordinator

Candice Burrows

Emily Cardini

Nicole Doble

Olivia Hordynsky

Jai Summers

SLSO Staff

Gillian Beattie

Fiona Cotter

James Eade

Nerida Griffith

Taylah Gold

Amelia Key

Amy Kjoller

Taleisha Lewin

Jarryd Seib

Bronwyn Turner



Juliet Peterson

April Nagy


Nikki Jones

Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Program

Mikayla Riley > Teacher

Nicole Doble > Teacher

Karen Harrison > Kitchen Assistant W/Th

Music Program Coordinators

Christie Munday

Charlie Parker

IT Coordinator

Ashlee Regan

Dimitri Anikin

Administration Staff

Business Manager

Katrina Stephens

School Administrative Manager 

Gina Turnbull 

School Administrative Officers

Tennille Roberts

Sue Tonkin

Karen Harrison

School Counsellor 

Darrin Yates M/T/Th

General Assistant

Stephen Beattie

Canteen Staff

Mandy Griffin > Manager

Laura White