The Calare Public School P&C is a school based organisation with membership open to parents, teachers and other interested citizen.
The P&C meets every 3rd Tuesday of the month (during school term) at 7.00pm in the Staffroom.
The aim of the P&C is to:
- Promote the interests of the school by bringing together parents, citizens and teaching staff.
- Assist in providing facilities and equipment of the school.
- Encourage parents and community participation in curriculum and other educational issues in
our school.
The P&C provides an opportunity for you to participate in your child's education. The P&C does raise funds to support the school, but it is not just about fundraising – it is a whole lot more.
Come along and have a say in your child's education. Meeting reminders are published in the school newsletter.
Below is an application for membership to the P&C. This allows you the privilege to vote at any meeting. Without this payment you are able to attend the meeting, but cannot vote on any issue until you have attended a meeting after payment. Please return the note below and your $2 in an envelope to the front office.
Membership Form (pdf 73 KB)
President's Report 2013
2013 was another satisfying year for the Calare P&C Association. Our regular meetings were well attended and the dedication of members is very much appreciated. The P&C members are an enthusiastic, positive and committed group of people. Vicki Bray and Alison Broughton have been staff representatives who attended throughout the year to give a balanced perspective and assisted us to make decisions in the best interests of the school and I thank them for their time.
As always, fundraising was a major focus for the P&C and we rose to the challenge. Early in the year, it was established that our major fundraising goal was an all-purpose, all weather outdoor court. This court was deemed necessary as the courts in the quads are on a hard surface, which may cause significant injuries, and have dangerous obstacles such as seats and trees. The court was a direct request from the staff. We hope it greatly enhances the sports program at Calare, as it will come at a significant cost to the P&C.
Our fundraising ventures included the Easter raffle, discos, Mother's and Father's Day stalls, Jogathon and Voluntary Contribution payments. None of these events are able to take place without considerable effort from P&C members who give willingly of their time and talents to make Calare a better school for students and staff.
Last week's Fete was the major fundraising effort for the last 12 months and took months of planning and culminated in a tremendous day with all attendees having great fun. I would personally like to thank Tanya Warren, Melissa Rodwell, Rebecca Matthews, Stephanie Giumelli, Kate Fealy, Toni Parker, Leanne Palmer and Leanne Hovey for their enthusiasm and dedication to the task. I wish future Fete committees well, as this is the last Calare Fete I will be involved in organising.
P&C's total fundraising for 2013 came to over $42 000. Congratulations to all who contributed!
Due to the significant expenditure required for the court, we donated less to the school in terms of finances than in recent years. We were, however, able to contribute over $10 500 worth of resources including sports ribbons, hats for classroom use, readers and the P&C book awards, which gives us great pride.
The Canteen has performed well in 2013 and turned a profit of over $ 8 500, of which we are extremely proud! With some of the profits, a new stainless steel centre bench will be installed before Term 2, greatly improving hygiene standards as the current bench top is dated and harder to clean. It is hoped that the serving counter will also be upgraded in the near future as well as wire racks to replace the current lunch baskets which have poor longevity. The Canteen began operating five days a week in Term 2 and this change is working well and has proved to be viable. I would like to thank Natalie Smith, Michelle Blandford and all volunteers for their service in the Canteen.
The Clothing Pool continues to provide an invaluable service to parents. As well as providing inexpensive, quality clothing, it also contributes to P&C's fundraising efforts raising over $2 100. Thank you to Stephanie Giumelli for the Clothing Pool co-ordination.
Throughout the year, P&C also provided ideas, thoughts and feed back to issues raised by the Principal and staff. P&C's opinion and voice in matters is extremely important for the school to have a balanced perspective. We are often seen only as a fundraising body, but we are a voice for the students and parents who, for whatever reason, are unable to attend meetings. We take this role seriously and the students and their welfare and education, are always at the forefront of our thoughts and actions.
I have received positive feedback from parents who do not attend meetings but have commented that we make a significant difference to Calare and are appreciative of all that we do.
Thanks goes to all those parents who so willingly gave of their time to assist the P&C. Be it canteen, clothing pool, school banking, money collection or fundraising co-ordination, the P&C would not have achieved so many successes in 2013 without you.
I would like to make special mention of Karen Honeyman. Karen has served on the Executive for the last six years, one as Vice President, two as President and three as Secretary. Karen has shown great commitment to all her roles and the P&C is all the better for her service. I shall miss Karen as a member of the Executive, but know she will continue to be a valued member of the P&C.
Special thanks also to Judy Weckert for her continuing work as Treasurer and for explaining the finer points of finance to me. Thanks to Melissa Rodwell and Leanne Palmer for ably filling the Vice Presidents roles.
2013 was another successful year in achieving our goals of continued support for the staff and providing both educational and sporting resources for the students of Calare Public School.
Alison Duffield