Information for parents
The Best Start Kindergarten assessment will take place at our school in the first two weeks of Term 1.
Please contact the front office if you have not scheduled your childs assessmnent.
What is the Best Start Kindergarten assessment?
Children come to school with different levels of literacy and numeracy. Some are familiar with books, can recognise some letters, and even write their name or count to ten, while others have not yet learned these skills.
Our Kindergarten teachers have always observed their new students and used different methods to find out what each child knows and can do so that they can plan and teach what their students need to learn next.

2024 Dates
Thursday - 1st February 2024
Friday - 2nd February 2024
Monday - 5th February 2024
Our school takes part in Best Start, which has been developed by early learning experts in the Department of Education. Best Start gives our teachers, and those teaching Kindergarten across New South Wales, a common set of high-quality assessment tools and professional training.
We believe that Best Start builds on the strengths of teachers to give every child a great start in school.
A copy of the NSW Department of Education Best Start Kindergarten Assessment - A Parent and Carer's Guide to the Assessment is available for download.
Your child and the Best Start Kindergarten assessment
It is very important to emphasise that the Best Start Kindergarten Assessment is not a test. Its purpose is to help the teacher gather information to guide the teaching of your child.
The teacher will observe each child and use tasks, such as talking about a book that has been read, and record what their students know and can do. The teaching of your child will be based on the information gathered in these ways.
You will be given feedback about what your child’s teacher has learned about your child, which you are welcome to discuss if you wish, in keeping with our usual practice.
What is being assessed?
The teacher will look at your child’s early reading and writing, their ability to communicate with others, and how they recognise and work with numbers, groups and patterns.
Telephone interpreter service
If you need an interpreter to assist you to contact us please call the telephone interpreter service on telephone 131 450 and ask for an interpreter in your language. The interpreter will call us and will stay on the line to assist you with our conversation. You will not be charged for this service.
A guide for parents/carers on what kind of tasks are included in the Best Start assessment is available in other languages from the Department of Education website.